This green home- chapter 1
I really am not a fan of the word "green" for many reasons but it is recognizable and easy to connect with the concepts we are persuing with our new home building project.
Words I do like are, sustainable, energy efficient, pure, and yes, even organic.
When Brian and I set out to find a place to plant roots and raise our daughter, we did NOT envision this direction for ourselves. We were city dwellers. BIG city dwellers. We lived in Downtown Denver and LOVED it! We loved the culture, people, art, restaurants, and non stop fast pace. Living the country life was never a plan.
However about 2 years ago an interest in sustainable living sparked a passion in us that began with the nurturing of one patio tomato plant and has now grown into this home project.
If you want the full story, I'd be happy to tell it over a nice glass of red wine... hopefully in our new pad. See previous post.
But I will say this- I believe humanity as a whole is beginning a shift in conciousness toward sustainability- for the overall betterment of our health, and overall preservation of the absolute God gifted beauty that surrounds us.
As you may have heard, if you know us, we are beginning this home building journey with a piece of land in North Ft. Collins and guest house. We will live in this guest house while the "main house" as we are calling it, is constructed......
|Colorado Green home building| Colorado Modern architecture| Colorado sustainable living| Colorado sustainable construction |
Reader Comments (2)
SO exciting!!!! And I completely agree about the word "green."
Wow that's really cool. And totally agree that this is the direction we must go as a society.