Desperation Band
April 10
Audrey Hannah Photo in Portraits

I've had the honor of photographing the Desperation Band just in time for thier new record Center of it All to release TODAY!

For those of you who don't know, Desperation Band is a Christian recording artist and ministry lead by Jon Egan based out of New Life Church in Colorado Springs CO.

They create beautiful music and have written many critically acclaimed songs you may know and love if you are a regular "Sunday morning-er"

As many of you know I am primarily a wedding phtographer, but the idea of stretching myself creatively and technically was an exciting challenge. 

Photographing a band is a whole different ball game and I LOVED it. I hope more of the same opportunitues come my way.

I decided to focus on a couple different looks for this shoot... A gritty, serious, and dark set- and a light, carefree, 1970's summer-like set... both of which I love but lean more towards the more serious (as always), however, the lighter set seemed to capture the essence of the band.

I brought along my Canon a-1 film camera for a couple shots as well as some glowsticks to experiment with a bit of light painting. FUN!


--You must take a moment to download the new album Center of it All. You will not be disappointed!--


Here are a few of my favorites-





It was and honor to work with you all! Thank you!


Article originally appeared on Audrey Hannah Photo Blog (
See website for complete article licensing information.