I am green thumbed (or trying to be)
August 19
Audrey Hannah Photo in My Life

If I could, I would spend all the money I earn on plants... so if you are a potential wedding client you must know that your money would be helping replenish the Earth of oxygen. :)


Today I gave myself a specific allotment of time to spend at the local nursery because I do have work to do... and well, I just got to chatting about perennials and annuals with the plant expert and by the time I loaded my new treasures into my jeep, 45 minutes had passed!!! Thats 45 minutes that will be spent making up lost editing time tonight.

I am SUPER proud of my progress thus far. I am no horticulturist but I am having the BEST time raising these little guys from seedlings... I am a mother at last :)


I love my patio garden, especially my cedar boxes Brian built for me


tending to my tomatoes


I counted 10 today!


ok, so the basil is taking it's own sweet time... but I know it will be worth it in the end when I make fresh lasagna with it!




my flower garden on the left, and my chocolate mint on the right!-   the mint smells delicous!! :)


Today I planted another batch of cilantro (we ate it all) ... I'll post some pics as soon as they pop up!


What a beautiful day...


Article originally appeared on Audrey Hannah Photo Blog (http://audreyhannahphoto.squarespace.com/).
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